
Showing posts from February, 2016

Quick update #3, #4, #5

Assalamualaikum wbt. 10/2/16 Appointment 9.30. 3 jam menunggu turn tak sampai2. Couples datang kemudian semua dah masuk dah balik. Nak tanya takot kena cop tak sabar. Lastly tak bole jadi tanya jugak rupanya one nurse ni forgot my card. Pftt. Taklama lepas bersuara terus dapat masuk bilik doctor. And doctor said sorry semua because of the system 😁. Okay cukup pasal tu. Pasal progress pulak. Tvs Cyst kecut Habiskan gynera lagi 7biji Tunggu period datang. Then buat appointment on day 2 as usual to proceed iui.. F.O.C IUI step 1 23/2/16 day3 menses appointment -Day 1 menses on 21/2/16 and this round start iui -tvs on left 5 eggs the biggest 6mm while on right around 3 eggs -drT bagi Novaldex for 5days each day 2. 1 after breakfast 1 after dinner -will come for humog 75iu jab on 27/2/16 day7 menses -next appoinment on day10 menses 1/3/16 (for folicle tracking and 1 jab maybe) Fee:novaldex 110        : humog 75iu 138        : ...

A Letter to Her Husband During Infertility

Hey there sugars, As we stood in our kitchen last week and I started crying, feeling alone in this battle , I asked you…no screamed at you for sleeping through our crisis.  I am so ashamed.  And I am so sorry.  I  know  you are in this fight with me, but there are so many days when I  feel  like we are in the same boat, but I am doing all of the rowing while you are enjoying the scenery.  Or I am the one on the front lines taking all of the hits and when I turn around to look for you, I see you standing there, just hanging back, cleaning your gun and not worrying about all of the bullets flying through the air. Why is it that you never seem to focus on the heartache and longing for children like I do?   Why don’t I ever see you worry about our future of becoming parents? How come you are never frustrated, doubtful, or angry? And if you are, you don’t talk about it, let alone show it. You always seem to be so calm, cool, and co...