Quick update #3, #4, #5
Assalamualaikum wbt.
Appointment 9.30. 3 jam menunggu turn tak sampai2. Couples datang kemudian semua dah masuk dah balik. Nak tanya takot kena cop tak sabar. Lastly tak bole jadi tanya jugak rupanya one nurse ni forgot my card. Pftt. Taklama lepas bersuara terus dapat masuk bilik doctor. And doctor said sorry semua because of the system 😁.
Okay cukup pasal tu.
Pasal progress pulak.
Tvs Cyst kecut
Habiskan gynera lagi 7biji
Tunggu period datang.
Then buat appointment on day 2 as usual to proceed iui..
IUI step 1
23/2/16 day3 menses appointment
-Day 1 menses on 21/2/16 and this round start iui
-tvs on left 5 eggs the biggest 6mm while on right around 3 eggs
-drT bagi Novaldex for 5days each day 2. 1 after breakfast 1 after dinner
-will come for humog 75iu jab on 27/2/16 day7 menses
-next appoinment on day10 menses 1/3/16 (for folicle tracking and 1 jab maybe)
Fee:novaldex 110
: humog 75iu 138
: tvs 120
:consultation 150
Total: 518
Jab humog 75iu ouch!😫
"Demimu wahai zuriatku.."
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