Hello 2020 and bye bye 2020 :)

 Assalamualaikum to my own blog. Ever since this blog is just my virtual diary between my thoughts and self.

I nak skip 2017, 2018, 2019.

Now, what is this blog all about will still remain the same.

After so long hiatus, hence, I would like to announce that I want to conceive again by next year :) (Ya Allah, perkenankanlah doa hambaMu ini sesungguhnya semua adalah dengan izinMu Ya Allah dan tiada yang mustahil bagiMu jika Kau mengkehendakinya. Aminnnn)

I memang plan nak pregnant again since my only son pun dah 4 years, teringin nak natural conceive tapi tu lah tak pernah jadi kenyataan for the past 3 years and now. Period kadang okay kadang haywire, malas layan masa tu, kalau ada adalah. Tapi this month bila I period on 7/12/20, I taktau dari mana datang the spirit, early morning in the office, I grab the phone and call KLFC. I just call and make appoinment. Macam tu saja. Betul lah orang cakap, bila kita nak sesuatu pada waktu tu kita akan bertindak dan buat saja.

Cut a long story short, I made appoinment on last friday, 11/12/20 (Day 5 menses). The staff explain bla bla bla I tanya bla bla bla then hung up the phone.

So, my journey start like this.

Greet my doctor like jejak kasih, she is still the same person (physically,mentally) never change. Soft spoken, her smile and I think her weight pun sama je kut :p (Tak macam I yang taktau berapa banyak kali dah cakap, "Okay okay last makan malam, ok esok diet", Hahahaha)

Okay, Dr.T start consult. I need to start again with the blood test etc which is I dah tau this step (Few times emailed her before this cakap I nak start conceive again actually tapi tak sampai2,haha). Dah 4 years kan semua dah expired. Condition body pun tak semestinya sama macam dulu. Dr.T prescribe I supplements yang I should take (Tak beli lagi while I'm writing this ,slap me now ;p).

Scan time. Ada cyst 11mm. Dr.T will monitor it first to see how it goes on next appointment Day13, Saturday 19/12/20. Telur kecik-kecik lagi, maybe ovulate lambat this month.

When out waiting for blood to be taken. Request same nurse masa buat dulu, dia dah jadi senior nurse #relationshipgoalssangat #needlephobia. Dia pun macam terharu sebab ada patient yang still remember her from old centre dulu. Memori sangat tempat lama :)

Next appointment, sperm analysis & pap smear test sekali sebab dah masuk dalam harga pakej(Fertility Assessment Package. So kira dah cover sekali untuk next visit la :) (Pap smear pun I takut okay). Semua lah takut :p

Total damage:

RM 1369 (Blood tests, Pap smear, Semen analysis, 2Xconsultation, 2Xscan(TVS))

"Semoga urusan I for this time around dipermudahkan Ya Allah. Semoga apa yang I lalui ni lebih mudah dari yang sebelum ini, Aminnnnn"


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