2nd - 4th appoinment

Recap balik. Pergi sorang kali ni.

Scan and follicle tracking ada few on right side 4 ke 5 tak ingat. Belah kiri kedekut this month.
Then dr. T prescribed novuldex for 5days.
kena buat full blood test jugak(Hep C) and Thyroid test since last record tak berapa cantik.
Result sperm okay. Result darah husband okay.
Dr. T suruh datang balik next week on 19/12/15. Lepas consumed novuldex.
Dr.T suruh balik discuss dgn suami pasal proceed iui, taknak tunggu lagi sebab before this dah on clomid 3 bulan. dgn Dr.T dah masuk bulan kedua.

Hep C:210
Total 2nd appoinment: rm670

So, next appoinment awal pagi kul9 on 19/12/15.

Pergi mcm biasa dgn husb. Result darah aku cantik. FSH level pon okay. No problem.
Then, TVS tgk progress telur ada 2 telur around 13mm & 10mm. Dr.T cakap progress slow sikit.Takpe mungkin stress or lambat ovulate bulan ni.Cycle mungkin panjang sket. Aku mcm kecewa sket tgk progress.
So, dr.T suruh set next appointment 22/12/15 untuk tgk progress telur.
Then, keluar. tunggu Nabillah untuk IUI explaination before payment.


Harini aku and husband amik MC untuk pergi jumpa Dr.T. Baik sgt sebab nak bagi MC. Kali ni pergi on weekdays. Dr.T sgt memahami and willing to give mc or time slip. Dia mention it on last visit.
So masuk scan macam biasa. Progress still slow after 3days get back to clinic from last visit. Both eggs 13mm. Dr.T still positif. Takpe kita try luck je this month. Sebab clinic pun nak cuti panjang. Krismas maulidurasul bagai. So try naturally. If tak berjaya datang next period.

And we will proceed IUI.

Total: Free (baiknyaaaaaa Dr. T. Jumpa pun dalam sekejap je. tapi tak expect la xbayar langsung. sebab ada scan jugak. Mungkin baru jumpa last 3days so Dr.T tak berkira.)

That's all update fer now.


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